Conversation on GESI Implementation by Border Agencies

Department of Personnel Management was represented by GESI (WoG) Acting Manager, Ms. Amelia Raka at the first ever Women in Leadership Conference that was hosted by the five Border Agencies in PNG in May this year in Port Moresby.
They are PNG Customs, Immigration and Citizenship Services Commission (PNGICA), National Agriculture and Quarantine Inspection Authority (NAQIA), National Fisheries Authority (NFA), and National Maritime Safety Authority (NMSA).
Ms. Raka delivered to the conference the Secretary’s speech on behalf of the Secretary, Ms. Taies Sansan.
She applauded the five border agencies for hosting the inaugural Women in Leadership workshop to boost and empower their female staff to celebrate and highlight successes, challenges and carriers women in the five border agencies encounter.
Secretary’s speech also highlighted data and statistics in terms of GESI related matters happening in the Government Departments, especially for the five border agencies.
Data presented showed that the 131,000 plus public servants working nation-wide, 48, 679 of them are women, which is 37 per cent of the total workforce.
From the 48, 679 women that are working in the public service, only 371 women are at the top management, while 986 are at the middle management. The rest are at the lower management.
The statistics showed only 6 women leaders serving in leadership and decision-making roles (Executive level).
Of the five (5) border agencies, three (3) out of the five (5) agencies are on the ascender Payroll while the remaining two (2) agencies, National Maritime Safety Authority and National Fisheries Authority manage their own payroll system.
Ms. Raka said given the statistics, and the theme for the Women in Leadership Conference, ‘Including, Inspiring and Improving’, it will be highly valuable to have constructive conversations of how Border Agencies can take on the implementation of the GESI Policy.
“In order to include, inspire and improve to enhance the great work that each of the border agencies have commenced in your respective agencies. I must commend the Acting Chief Migration Officer, Mr. Wellington Navasivu and your Management Team for deliberately taking ownership of the GESI Policy since 2018 to pave the way and role model the implementation of the GESI Policy,” said Ms. Raka.
“That data that I have just shared is for women in the public service, but it would be good to share data that would reflect the situation of all the women in the country and where they are in terms of challenges and achievements faced by women, including those in the private sector”, concluded Ms. Raka.