Current NEWS

  • BPNG GESI Male Advocates Certified
    Twelve (12) officers from the Bank of Papua New Guinea who are advocates of the Male Advocacy Network (MAN), a program under the Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) were accredited certificates as Male Advocates. This means that they are certified to advocate on topics such as Gender Based Violence and Gender topics at their workplace, … Read more
  • GO Review Final Validation
    Department of Personnel Management through the Policy Development & Reforms Wing and the Business Process Owners are in the final stages of the validation on the Public  Service General Order Review—5th Edition of 2024. The Business Process  owners, mainly from the HRAS & Compliance Audit Wing, Executive Resourcing Service Wing, Corporate Affairs & Capacity Building, and HR … Read more
  • 32 ABG Public Servants Graduated.
    DPM Secretary and Chairlady to the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG), Ms. Taies  Sansan      congratulated thirty-two public servants from the  Autonomous Bouganville Government for graduating with certificates in leadership and governance in Buka, Autonomous Region of  Bougainville this month. Secretary Sansan stated at the graduation ceremony that it was an  honor for her as … Read more
  • DPM Attends Data Governance Workshop
    Department of Personnel Management attended the Data Governance Workshop which was hosted by the Department of Information, Communication and Technology (DICT) in Port Moresby on the 5th of June, 2024. The theme was ‘Data Governance for Transparent Access & Informed Decision Making’. DPM was represented by the MIS Division  Acting Executive Manager, Mrs. Denyse Ealedona … Read more
  • Conversation on GESI Implementation by Border Agencies
    Department of Personnel Management was represented by GESI (WoG) Acting Manager, Ms. Amelia Raka at the first ever Women in Leadership Conference that was hosted by the five Border  Agencies in PNG in May this year in Port Moresby. They are PNG Customs, Immigration and Citizenship Services Commission (PNGICA), National Agriculture and  Quarantine Inspection Authority … Read more
  • Staff Profile: DPM Supports Career Path for Staff
    Meet 52 years old Ms. Ioa (Yo-wa) Vitaharo of Mashall Island in Aroma, Central Province. She is the State of Service Reporting  Officer in the Public Service Information Centre Branch within Secretary’s Office. Ioa commenced work at DPM at a very young age of 20 years old, with only a Grade 10 Certificate as her highest … Read more
  • DPM Staff Receives Masters
    Department of Personnel Management’s Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Mr. Joseph Oltipa recently graduated at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG’s) 69th graduation with Masters in Economic and Public Policy (MEPP), on the 26th of April, 2024. Mr. Oltipa has been working at DPM for close to 15 years. He was introduced to the MEPP … Read more
  • GESI Sensitization & Mainstreaming Continues
    Department of Personnel Management through its Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Division continues to implement the GESI  policy through its trainings and workshop programs on a Whole of Government approach to  government departments and State  Agencies in Port Moresby. More than 10 National Agencies out of the 103 that are based in Port Moresby have undergone … Read more
  • DPM Participates in Pacific Workforce Planning
    DPM Staff, Manager Monitoring and Compliance Branch, Mr. Joseph Oltipa was part of the delegation of Public  Servants from the Pacific Island that attended the Pacific Workforce Planning Study Tour in Canberra, Australia from the 27th of April to the 3rd of May, 2024. It was hosted by the Australian Public Service Commission, and was participated … Read more
  • DPM Concludes Data Cleansing Forum 
    Department of Personnel Management ended the Data Cleansing Workshop on a high note on the 1st of May, 2024, with positive feedbacks from participants. The participants were Heads of Government Agencies, Provincial Administrators, Chief Executive Officers of Provincial Health Authorities, HR Managers and Organization Design Officers or Establishment Officers. DPM has initiated significant Payroll Reforms, with … Read more