Data Cleansing Exercise Conducted for MPHA

The Data Cleansing Team with Miline Bay PHA Chief Executive Officer Dr. Perista (third from left) during Day 1 of the data cleansing exercise.

Department of Personnel Management’s Data Cleansing Team, concluded a week-long data cleansing and audit exercise for the Miline Bay Provincial Health Authority from the 17th – 21st   of September, in Alotau Miline Bay Province.

This exercise is part of a three pilot Public Service Agencies whose Human Resource Data in the Ascender Payroll system is being audited, cleansed and updated so it can be uploaded onto the version 22 of the Ascender payroll system.

The other two agencies are Miline Bay Provincial Administration and the Department of Personnel Management, which make up the three pilot agencies.

Team Leader for the Data Cleansing team, Mr. Desmond Timothy said the HR Data cleansing is just one component among others that supports the overall Ascender payroll version upgrade.

He said, different teams with specific terms of references, have been endorsed by Secretary Ms. Taies Sansan to audit, identify, develop and adopt systems and processes that are consistent with the government pay policy.

Mr. Timothy said the current data cleansing focus areas emanates from the recent audit on the government payroll that was undertaken by Deloitte in 2021.

The data cleansing exercise is focus on three main areas; Position cleansing, Employee data cleansing and Leave data cleansing.

Mr. Timothy added that the team not only validate and verified data on the ground but when there were issues encountered such as mismatch of positions referencing number the data cleansing team also recommended a solution for those issues.

“As a pilot agency, many challenges were expected and it is from these challenges that we learnt the DPM DC team will plan and execute future audits with more strategic approach and preparedness”.

Chief Executive Officer for Miline Bay Provincial Health Authority Dr Perista Mamadi, his directors and their HR team were helpful and supportive to the data cleansing team and thanked Secretary Sansan and the data cleansing team for having an outcome-based approach in their audits for the first time.

The Data Cleansing Team is pictured working after hours to audit and cleans HR data for Miline Bay PHA.