DPE GESI Mainstreaming & Sensitization

Just two weeks after doing a presentation at the Department of Petroleum & Energy, on the introduction of Gender Equity, & Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy to the senior management of DPE, and they have requested for DPM’s GESI (Whole of Government) to rollout the Mainstreaming and Sensitization workshop.
This resulted in the hosting of a two days workshop by DPM GESI (WoG) team on the 3rd and 4th of this month at DPE.
So far 30 staff from the batch one have participated in the workshop.
DPM GESI Whole of Government Acting Manager Amelia Raka told the participants that DPM has introduced the GESI Policy to provide guidelines for officers and staff with Departments, Provincial Administrations, and Agencies to maintain gender equity and social inclusion into their internal business process and service delivery.
The two days workshop was intense with the presentation of six factors that influence or affects gender equity and social inclusion at workplace. They are:
· Stereotype
· Discrimination
· Gender Relations
· Gender Relations & Culture
· Sexual Harassment and
· Gender Based Violence
Ms Raka said many times people and organizations see the Policy as a ‘Woman’ oriented policy.
“However, the GESI policy represents or includes workplace issues of all staff irrespective of gender, sex, position, race, status in the community, religion and such,” said Ms Raka.
“For a workplace to be conducive, there needs to be a GESI officer or GESI Helpdesk to assist implement GESI in their business processes and service delivery”, she said.
“The principles and values of the GESI policy acts as a lamppost or guide for us to make decisions”, said Ms Raka.
Ms Raka explained that departments and agencies have different issues.
She said the policy has to be contextualized on the needs of each organizations to make it relevant.
Ms Raka concluded that data collections and statistics are very important tools in GESI to register cases, and issues can be dealt with at the management level, or through professional channels like Police.