DPM Attends Data Governance Workshop

Department of Personnel Management attended the Data Governance Workshop which was hosted by the Department of Information, Communication and Technology (DICT) in Port Moresby on the 5th of June, 2024.
The theme was ‘Data Governance for Transparent Access & Informed Decision Making’.
DPM was represented by the MIS Division Acting Executive Manager, Mrs. Denyse Ealedona who gave a thorough presentation of the reform work DPM has undertaken in terms of the Digital HR Transformation program 2023-2027.
In her presentation, Mrs. Ealedona highlighted that DPM is trying on the digital Transformation agenda and has put in place the HR Digital Transformation program (2023—2027).
The program has four components;
· Component 1: Government of PNG Integrated HR Payroll System Roll-out is component 1, which is to upgrade the current GoPNG Ascender Pay Integrated HR Payroll System from Version 12 to Version 22.
· Component 2: Automation of the General Order and HR Business Process Workflows will see the development and delivery of an automated business-process driven system, based on an updated version of the Public Service General Orders, targeting relevant staff across GoPNG agencies.
· Component 3: Implementation of the E-Recruitment module. By accessing it, agencies across the health, education, and other critical sectors can effectively manage personnel emolument expenditure and strategically plan to meet recruitment and capacity building needs in line with GoPNG priorities.
Mrs. Ealedona said this will benefit the GoPNG critical sectors through targeted expenditure on its human capital and reduce costs and/or misplaced expenditure associated with poor HR decision-making.
· Component 4: Digital HR Reporting (HR & Personnel Emoluments Budget Monitoring Dashboards). This component aims to enhance efficiency, promote transparency, and facilitate data-driven decision-making, fostering better governance and performance across various sectors and industries in the human resources domain.
Mrs. Ealedona said the two main forms of data that DPM is responsible for are the Payroll Data from the Ascender Payroll system and the State of Service Reporting (SoS) Data that is collected from State Agency’s Management Annual Plans (MAPs).
“DPM collects the Establishment, Structure/Position, Bio data, and Personnel Emolument & Budgetary Data, and then processes the data manually by cleaning it and uploading it onto the payroll system.
The data is extracted for the purpose of the dashboard.
Mrs. Ealedona said the payroll data is shared within DPM and within the Public Service.
The Public Service State of the Service Report is an annual report on the state of services compiled manually by the Public Service Information Centre (PSIC) branch that is shared to parliament through printed copies.
“In terms of data sharing, DPM has a Digital dashboard for the Whole of Government which shares real-time reporting data created for agencies to access HR Data”, said Mrs. Ealedona.
She said it enables agencies to access data at their fingertips.
Mrs. Ealedona presented that lack of policies to guide Data Governance and the manual inputting of data into the payroll system are two of the many challenges that is faced by the Department.
She recommended that Data Governance require a robust set up of a data warehouse for whole-of-government reporting and for DICT to provide assistance in setting up the data storage warehouse.