DPM attends International G&W Conference

Department of Personnel Management’s Acting Manager for Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Coordination and Mainstreaming Whole of Government (GESI WoG), Ms. Amelia Raka attended the 10th Annual International Gender and Women Studies Conference in Bangkok Thailand, as a representative from Papua New Guinea working in the Gender space.
Ms. Raka along with her counterpart from the Department of Petroleum and Energy GESI Manager, Ms. Grace Mainde attended as observers.
Research papers were presented and insights were shared on Gender and Women studies by representatives from the nine participating countries which are; Thailand, Taiwan, Australia, India, Ghana, Sierra Leon, Canada, Philippines and PNG.
Ms. Raka said there is a greater need for the Public Service to share on international platforms the implementation of National Public Service GESI policy in response to the government of Papua New Guinea’s intentional agenda to address the various forms of Gender Based Violence that is impacting the lives of Papua New Guineans.
“Also to share our success, achievements and challenges that we have encountered and overcome as a government in the public service in addressing GBV. It will also give us the opportunity to network with other countries on their successful strategies that we could learn from or adopt and customize to improve our government mechanism for effective coordination and implementation,” said Ms. Raka.
“It is also a great platform where we can showcase and report on the implementation of the NPS GESI Policy from the Public Service in response to addressing GBV in the country,” said Ms Raka.
Ten countries participated in the conference, however, only nine countries gave presentations on Women and Economic Empowerment, Inter-sexuality, Gender Based Violence, Laws, Legislation and implementation updates in the government, private sector and NGO’s, Women and Health, PNG attended as an observer having had previously attended the 6th Annual Women & Gender Studies in Malaysia.
The 10th Annual Women & Gender Conference is an annual event where representatives from various countries working in the gender space and women studies come together and share insights and updates on mainly research papers that they are working on and receive feedback on the research they are undertaking.