DPM Commemorates Grand Chief 2nd Anniversary

Department of Personnel Management hosted a small but close gathering last Friday on the 24th of February to honor and celebrate the second anniversary of the life and death of Late Grand Chief Sir Michael T. Somare.
It was attended by Secretary Ms. Taies Sansan, members of the Executive Management team and staff of the department.
Speaking at the event, Ms. Sansan said that we have to honor our founding father and as our first Prime Minister, we must acknowledge his contributions to our country that he gave birth to on September 16, 1975.
She also challenged officers to think about their plans for this great nation and how they can contribute as individuals and as public servants to the nation building.

“Let us be good citizens, good public servants, do our work with honesty and pride, and let us deliver to the expectations as public servants that are paid fully by the government that never fails us. Service must come first and then money, be punctual to work, be a team player, don’t backbite one another, we are all Papua New Guineans let us all respect one another, respecting those in authority and respecting the government of the day” said Secretary Sansan.
In two year’s time we will be celebrating our fifty years as an independent nation and although we are still a developing nation since the formation of this country, where do we move from being a developing country to an emerging and hopefully to a developed country in the next fifty years, said Ms. Sansan.
The event was followed by the viewing of a slideshow of the life of the late founding father.
Staff were given the opportunity to share memories, events and encounters with the Late Grand Chief.
The second anniversary of late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare falls on the Sunday, the 26th of February this year, however, NEC in its decision No: 33, confirmed the 24th to be commemorated and celebrated as a national public holiday.