DPM Continues to Support Career Paths for Staffs

Acting Administration Officer and Security Guard Mr Sika Saeya at his workstation.

There are no limits to what one can achieve and anything is possible if you put your mind and heart to it said Mr. Sika Saeya a security officer who recently graduated with a Certificate in Human Resource Management at the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG).

Prior to attaining his certificate in HRM, he was also appointed to his new role as the Acting Administration Officer with the Corporate Services and Capacity Building Wing in 2020.

Mr. Saeya who hails from the Western Province, commenced employment with the Department of Personnel Management on March 3rd 1998 as a security officer and has been serving the Department for the last 26 years.

He was very interested to work as a security officer when he first began his career with the Department and looked forward to his daily tasks and responsibilities every day.

“I was assisting staffs, protecting the assets of the Department as well as assisting the clients who come to the department,” said Sika Saeya.

He said it has also been his desire, to upgrade his skills and knowledge when he first joined the department and worked hard see his dream become a reality.

As his career with the department progressed, so was his interest in pursuing and upgrading his education level and so he wrote to the department to support his studies at Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG).

He successfully graduated with a Certificate in Human Resource Management this year, signifying another step towards achieving his dream of furthering his education.

After gaining the certificate in Human Resource, he is now confident in contributing meaningfully to his new role as an acting administration officer as he strives to improve in his work outputs.

I would like to thank the Department for the support and assistance, which has enabled me to complete my studies successfully, as I also look forward to pursuing my Diploma in HRM in the near future” he said

He encouraged his fellow colleagues and anyone in the department who wishes to upgrade their skills and knowledge to not give up and continue to work hard so that they can move up in life.