DPM Hosts Digital HRM Transformation Forum

Department of Personnel Management in collaboration with the Department of Information, Communication and Technology (DICT) have recently hosted a joint forum to disseminate information on critical ICT Policy Reforms to the Human Resource Management and ICT fraternity in the Public Service.
The objective of the forum was to inform public servants of the Digital HRM Transformation Roadmap the two departments has embarked on.
Public Service Minister, Hon. Joe Sungi officially opened the forum as the Keynote speaker, and spoke about driving the agenda through strategic leadership.
Minister Sungi highlighted some of the issues concerning public service which he intends to look into and address.
Among the issues are poor performances, high level of corruption, lack of discipline and commitment, high degree of incompetency, and political influences.
Minister Sungi said while addressing these issues, he gave his word to protect and defend public servants from political influence, but demanded them to perform.
“The application of ICT to digitize or modernize Public Service is a major breakthrough by DPM in the ICT space,” he said.
“It’s the HR system that must be function. You set your targets and demand output,” he said.
DPM Secretary, Ms Taies Sansan applauded the Minister’s leadership, and said the forum demonstrates how important ICT supported by leadership has become to each organization’s HR processes and to the financial efficiency of their operations.
Secretary Sansan said the digital transformation agenda is driven by strong ethical leadership.
She said public servants must acknowledge that technology is here to stay and despite age and experience, public servants must be ICT savvy going into the future.
“I see two main constituencies that contribute to a successful digital HR transformation, and that is HR Business Process transformation and Cultural transformation.” she said.
“We deal with human beings everyday, and culture too in the organization must change”.
Ms Sansan said the forum advocates the digitization of the Public Service General Order and the automation of all associated HRM business process.
“Business analytics project using dashboard reports on various personnel emoluments related data is an integral part of the digital transformation,” she said.
Agency Heads, HRM Managers, and those who have attended the forum were given access to fortnightly PE dashboard reports.