DPM Makes Presentation at Seminar

Department of Personnel Management participate in the Pay Use group seminar which was held in Brisbane Australia on the 7th of August this year.
Deputy Secretary, Human Resource Advisory Services and Compliance Audit, Ms. Constance Baisi delivered her presentation on the Human Resource Digital Transformation at the PNG Investment Conference in Brisbane Australia.
She explained that this was in response to the current government’s program to upgrade the current payroll version, and is aligned to the Vision 2050, transcending down to the PNG Strategic Development Plan 2020-2030.
It is inline with DPM’s HR Development Strategic Plan, the Medium Term Development Plan 4, and the strategic program alignment of MTDP 7 on the Governance and Transformation in the Public Service, and is inline with the ICT Sector Roadmap 2018 which is currently run by the Department of Information, Communication and Technology (DICT) on the digital transformation policy.
“DPM have also aligned our Corporate Plan 2023—2027 inline with the Digital Government Act 2022, with the objective of interfacing all current government systems in terms of digitalizing these programs, and interfacing them into one Digital Management System for the Whole of Government”, said Ms Baisi.
There are four components for the digital design and plan under the HR Digital Transformation:
Component One—is the Upgrading of the Ascender Pay, a HR pay system, a consolidated efforts with the Finance Department.
Ms Baisi said DPM’s role is to ensure that the Department have a cleansed data to be transferred onto the production level.
This has seen the upgrading of version 12 to version 21 that DPM has purchased on a training environment with the intention and purpose to have a cleansed data and an integrated payroll system that is upgraded and cleansed.
“The implementation of the digital strategy will see the auditing and reviewing of system configurations, definitions against the business processes, and also review the current security groups in the ascender pay integrated payroll system”, said Ms Baisi.
Component 2—is the Automation of the General Orders.
It basically involves the forensic unpacking of the GO, designing the HR Business Process system pro-chart to map out the systems of each GO, and designing the flow charts on the Ascender integrated pay-roll system.
It’s basically to configure system rules in the business processes and the integrated payroll system.
Component 3—is the implementation of the HR Modus.
The current features are the E-recruitment and Applicant training, Training course administration, and the HR Development is what DPM have utilized under the Digital Transformation Program.
Component 4—Digital Reporting, which features the HR Reporting dashboard as an improved way of utilizing data and predictive analysis of Personnel Emoluments budget.
This will enable agencies to have a controlled approach towards making an agency personal emoluments expenditure, and to have that digital data.