DPM Officers Attend Workshop

Eight (8) DPM Officers attended a workshops conducted by the Australian Public Service Academy.
The workshop was aimed at Building and Developing High Performing Teams and gain the knowledge of how to transition from their roles as technical experts to managers of people in order for real improvement in productivity to be accomplished.
The officers are Amelia Raka (Acting Manager GESI Coordination and Mainstreaming, Whole of Government), Ruth Gii (Senior Public Service Institutional Housing Officer), Tie Kifi (Team Leader Network Services and ICT Communications), Alexandra Maguna (Acting Manager Monitoring and Compliance – Momase Region), Salome Vincent (Senior Salaries Officer), Renagi Tioti (Manager Human Resources and Advisory Services – Southern Region), Elias Yori (Manager HRAS New Guinea Islands Regional Office) and Moisa Nibu (Senior Retirement and Re-deployment officer, Southern Region).
Senior Public Service Institutional Housing officer, Ms. Ruth Gii said that she is pleased to have attended the workshop, because of the knowledge she gained on the characteristics of high performing teams, especially on having clear goals tied closely to teams and organizational priorities.
Ms. Gii said knowing the five dimensions of a high performing team drive, focus, capability, energy and communication, will help her build a high performing team as she looks forward to transitioning from a technical officer to a manager in the near future.
The workshop has provided the officers the needed knowledge and skills to assist those who are leading public service teams, so that will be able to understand the key characteristics of high performing team and how to create conditions that enable a team to achieve the organization goals.
Executive Manager for Capacity Building and Development Division, Ms. Agnes Tamate said the course is designed to help managers and upcoming managers create and maintain high-performing teams by aligning their work with the government priorities.
“A key outcome of this learning program is to build a high-performing team that identifies a range of actions that can be implemented back in the workplace to strengthen high performance,” said Ms. Tamate.
The eight agencies that participated in the workshop were Department of Prime Minister and NEC, PNG Immigration Citizenship and Authority, Department of Finance, Department of Treasury, National Statistical Office, Department of Justice and Attorney General and the Auditor General’s Office.