DPM Prepares For 2022 Retirement Exercise
DPM has commenced the retirement exercise for public servants who have reached the compulsory retirement age of 65 or wish to retire on medical grounds.
This follows the allocation of K200m for the retirement exercise for the year 2022 in the national budget. Director National Agencies Ms. Roselyn Wrakuavia in an interview has confirmed that the government has allocated k200 million for the Public Service retrenchment exercises this year.
Director Wrakuavia said, they have commenced by conducting a desktop audit to ascertain those who have reached 64 last year.
Ms. Wrakuavia said, we will be doing this by sector and region. “For national agencies, we have 87 agencies and we have already prepared for those are 64 and 63 years old this year.
In this first quarter our plans as we usually do, is to write advise letters to agencies and we ask them to provide and confirm with us their list that we have extracted from the payroll.
For those who already assumed that they will be 65 years because last year they were 64, we are write to their respective agency heads to confirm their date of births.
“In those advice letters we will seek advice from agency heads who wish to retiree their officers and also advise them of the next steps.
This will enable us to provide advise by giving them notices as the per General Order and for them to provide feedback to us by preparing their preliminary calculations on the required forms and that’s where the retirement exercise starts.
From there we will know exactly by the end of first quarter, how many affected officers we have by region and by sector.
And then we give an aggregate cost to Treasury to advise them on the number of staff who will be 65 years this year and intending to retiree”.
She also highlighted that because of limited funding they prioritize retirement where they start from the oldest to 65 but the oldest they claim that they are still young and all that and then we are looking for those who are ready and excited and wants to go because they have other exit plans in life.
We want to commence with information session first, after seeing the list we are doing our activity plans now and will go out to agencies to provide information sessions prior to the actual exercise”.
Ms. Wrakuavia further added that information is important and that the retirees have to be oriented or inducted so we have to do that. She said, every agency sector should come up their work plans.
“I have my work plan that we are preparing and I directed my officers to work on that to start targeting agencies with the highest numbers and especially those that are already 65 plus or 63 and up so that is our target.
Agencies need proper information on calculations and that is our work plan for quarter one which is to complete information sessions and start talking to retirees. We have to prepare them psychologically”, she said.