DPM Secretary’s 2023 Christmas Message

A seasoned warm Christmas greeting to you all hardworking and dedicated staff of the Department of Personnel Management.
As we reach the end of another year, it would be remiss of me not to reflect on all that we have achieved as a Department throughout the year.
There are many achievements and equally many challenges however, we have persevered despite the challenges.
It is the efforts that we as a department put into ensuring that we deliver on key government initiatives and directives that should be highlighted and celebrated.
It is with the support from you all, my deputies, senior management and all staff that have culminated in the achievements that the Department has achieved and for that I am grateful.
Through our concerted effort the government of the day recognized the efforts put into delivering key government initiatives and has resulted in my reappointment for another tenure.
“I am honored and humbled to be re-appointed for my second term as the Secretary for the Department of Personnel Management.
The re-appointment as contained in NEC decision No. 251/2023 dated 30th August 2023 came into effect on 06th of December 2023.
I would like to thank the Marape/ Rosso Government and the Public Service Hon. Joe Sungi for having that confidence in my abilities to lead and continue to provide that guidance and strategic direction to the department of Personnel Management for another four (4) years”.
This year we successfully hosted the Department of Personnel Management Reforms Regional Workshops held in the four regions, which we concluded with the National Agencies this month.
The regional consultations allowed and created an awareness platform to inform our public servants in the provinces and the districts on the key policy initiatives that the department is pushing as part of implementing the overall key policies and initiatives of the government.
The views and opinions gathered from these consultations will go into finalizing the Public Service Housing Policy and its related policies which the National Research Institute (NRI) through the DPM and NRI collaboration will put together these policies, that aims to guide and steer housing for public servants in national, provincial and district levels.
The consultations created an awareness on other key reform activities that the department is undertaking such as the Life and Medical Insurance scheme for public servants which is set to be launch next year, the Version Upgrade of the Ascender Government payroll system from V12 to V21 and the HRDSP 2020- 2050 plan were among the many key government initiatives and reforms that were presented during the regional workshops.
All in all, I once again commend the DPM and NRI team who participated in these reforms workshop for their time, effort and commitment in ensuring that our public servants in the provinces and districts are aware and informed of these initiatives so we are able to work together as public servants by delivering services to our people.
The Public Service Housing Policy, the launch of the Corporate plan 2023-2027, the Public Service Medical Insurance, the Pay Roll Upgrade and the Roll out of the Human Resource Development Strategic Plan 2020-2050 are key highlights of what we as a department have achieved.
The launch of the 5-year corporate plan is also a milestone achievement. The plan has 10 corporate objectives that we must deliver on.
It sets and maps out our goals for the next 4 years, since this year 2023 covers one year of the corporate plan. Despite. limited funding we were able to achieve most of the corporate activities in the previous corporate plan.
I want to encourage and urge everyone to work together to deliver on this corporate plan going forward. I once again would like to thank the Public Service Minister Hon. Joe Sungi for his unwavering support and guidance since his tenure as the Minister responsible for our department.
Furthermore I would like to take this time to extend my gratitude to the staff who have been working tirelessly throughout the year as I urge everyone to continue keep up the great work moving into the next year and with that I wish you all and your families a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2024!
God Bless and see you all next year!