DPM To Commence Clock-In System

Department of Personnel Management is preparing to commence the use of an online system for its staff to clock-in and clock-out during official working hours.
This is to conform to the Public Service official working hours. On the 19th of May this year a Circular Instruction (CI14/21) was issued to all line agencies on Time Keeping and Attendance in efforts to enforce Special General Order 11 of 2019.
The circular instruction contended that Time Keeping is the cause of lack of client attention and poor service delivery in many agencies.
Secretary Ms Taies Sansan said, the Circular Instruction enforcing SGO11 is clear and requires the cooperation of all agency heads to fully enforce the clock in system.
“DPM will be monitoring payrolls and compiling audit reports from time to time in order for the Minister to inform NEC on compliance by individual agencies”.
Ms Sansan said, the measure taken by DPM is to ensure that DPM enforces SGO11 .
As part of conforming to the Circular Instruction, DPM is pushing ahead with the implementation of a system that will see its staff clock in and out whilst at work.
In efforts to prepare staff to use the system a virtual session was conducted by the Management Information System team to run staff through the use of the system.
The virtual session provided a brief of how the system works and its practical use. The MIS team are now going around to all staff to configure their computers to commence the use of the system.
Most staff at the 3rd and 4th floor now has their computers configured. Acting Executive Manager MIS Mr Sam Lalui said, his staff are now doing that with the aim of getting all staff to commence using the system immediately.