EMT Outlines 2023 Work Plan at 1st Meeting

Department of Personnel Management Executive Management Team held its first EMT meeting for 2023 on the 20th of this month.
All Wings and branches have outlined its yearly work plans.
The Executive Resourcing Services Wing had a slow start due to New Year, but have advertised in the Newspapers a couple of position vacancies for the District CEOs and Provincial Administration positions.
More position vacancies will be advertised for the Acting positions in the coming months.
The Policy Wing gave a rundown of their work plans.
They will continue to work on the Industrial Employment Condition response to the PNG doctor’s log of claims.
They’ll continue to maintain the three (3) per cent Salary increase policy, including the drafting of policy of the Public Service Standard Operations Manual, and power delegated to the Autonomous Region of Bougainville.
The Management Information System (MIS) branch are working in collaboration with the Civil Registry to develop a central data collection system.
This centralized data system will have each officer’s information from payroll number, to NID number and all their personal information.
The aim is to have a centralized data system so that it would be easy for payroll and new hires.
The MIS team are also upgrading the payroll version, which will help with the One Person, One Position, One Pay policy.
Meanwhile, EMT Members will sit for an urgent EMT meeting for the finalization of the 2023 Management Action Plan and realigning the five year Corporate Plan 2023 – 2027 before its launching.