GESI Sensitization & Mainstreaming Continues

Department of Personnel Management through its Gender Equity and Social Inclusion Division continues to implement the GESI policy through its trainings and workshop programs on a Whole of Government approach to government departments and State Agencies in Port Moresby.
More than 10 National Agencies out of the 103 that are based in Port Moresby have undergone GESI training and the Sensitization and Mainstreaming workshop since the inception of GESI in 2013.
GESI (WoG) Acting Executive Manager, Ms. Amelia Raka said her team are in the process of finalizing the correct statistics to provide an update to the Office of the Secretary.
Meanwhile, the GESI (WoG) team have conducted two recent Sensitization and Mainstreaming workshops this month to the NCD Provincial Health Authority, and the National Volunteer Services.
Both agencies have given positive feedbacks on the GESI Policy that is being conducted.

Ms. Paula Konge from NCD PHA who attended the GESI workshop for the first time said she has learned the importance of GESI Principles and Values that she is supposed to apply in real life as well as at workplace.
“Before I thought women are less powerful then men, but after this training I know that both men and women are valuable and needs equal treatment regardless of their background race, religion or whatsoever,” said Ms. Konge.
Mr. Killian Raikau from NCDPHA who was a first time participant said the workshop has broadened his knowledge and understanding on the GESI policy and how he can be an influential individual at his workplace with the same respect.
“The interesting thing I learnt was that sexual harassment at workplace does not only involve physical contact, but also involves invading of private space, name callings and whistling. I would now advocate for a change of mindset and attitude amongst my male colleagues in regards to sexual harassment”, said Mr. Raikau.
Ms. Jacqueline Auka from the National Volunteer Services shared the same sentiments as the other two participants and requested for DPM to run GESI refresher workshops once or twice every year to ensure all government departments are GESI Sensitized.
Her colleague Mr. Emil Kairuku thanked DPM for conducting the GESI workshop which has enlightened them to act orderly.