Graduates Urged to Be Catalysts for Change

The 2020 recipients of the prestigious Australian Awards Scholarship were told to be catalysts for change.
This was the message from the Department of Personnel Management Secretary, Ms Taies Sansan on behalf of the PNG Government.
In her speech which was delivered by Corporate Affairs & Capacity Building Director, Mr. Michael Moke, during the welcome reception the awardees were told to contribute meaningfully in their respective organizations whether it be private or public sector and be catalysts for change.
The Graduates were told to try as much as they can to fulfill the national goals as set out in Vision 2050, Development Strategic Plan and Medium Term Development Strategic Plan 3.
There were 34 awardees in total. 30 of them have received their Master’s Degree, mostly with Merits, and 4 have received their Doctorates.
Since the start of the PNG-Australia partnership, many Papua New Guineans have benefited studying in Australia, and attained Diplomas, Degrees, Masters and Doctorates.
DPM is closely working in partnership with the Australian Government to ensure that PNG’s economic and social development issues are properly addressed.
In Ms. Sansan speech, she stated that such partnership is important to collectively address national challenges and improve PNG’s systems and processes.
The Australian Awards Scholarship program is prestigious as it provides the needed upskilling and knowledge so that the awardees can return to PNG and contribute meaningfully to the development of PNG.
Meanwhile, Mr. Moke concluded the Secretary’s welcome remarks, with an encouragement for the awardees to return the investment by Australia and PNG Government for them to study overseas.
He said the Australian Awards PNG (AAPNG) allocates around K50 Million to K100 Million per year on the program and expects a return on its investments, including the Australian Tax Payers.
Mr. Moke said, DPM as the custodian of PNG Public Service, representing the PNG Government, they expect the awardees who have returned to PNG to make a difference in both the public and private sector.
Moke said, to move the Country forward or to be in par with modern developments, young people like the awardees who have Masters and PhD’s must be appointed as CEOs and Departmental Heads. Meanwhile, Mr. Moke said DPM will continue to support the efforts of AAPNG and congratulated the 34 awardees.