Health Workers Migrated to the Payroll

Deputy Secretary Policy and Reforms Mr. Ellison Kalimet addressing Health Workers during the launching of Christine Health Servicers Workers migration onto the Alesco Payroll, on Juuly 10th, in Kudjip Jiwaka Province .

Department of Personnel Management team, led by Deputy Secretary Policy and Reforms Mr. Ellison Kalimet on behalf of Secretary Ms. Taies Sansan, witnessed the commemoration and the launching of 174 Christian Health Services Workers from the Kudjip Nazarene Hospital onto the government payroll, this month in Kudjip, Jiwaka province.

Deputy Secretary Ellison Kalimet on behalf of Secretary Sansan said the migration of the health workers onto the government payroll signified the government’s commitment to ensure that there are health services provided  right down to the people throughout the country.

It is a recognition of the hard work, of the 23 denominations who provide health care services and to which most of them have already been moved onto the Alesco payroll system.

“I want to commend the Christian Health Services for the work that you have done in providing the much-needed health services to our people, mostly the two thirds of population in the rural areas” said Deputy Secretary Ellison Kalimet.

He further acknowledged the contribution of those that have been doing all the yard work in managing the Christine Health Services facilities and Workforce, which all would have not been possible without the management and foresight of the board of chairman.

“All of you must be commended for your hard work to ensure that healthcare services are provided, keep up the good work and you must continue to harness the collaboration between our organizations to continue to ensure that health services are provided”

Deputy Kalimet said, DPM is committed to continue assisting, Christian Health Services especially Kudjip Nazarene Hospital, as the structure of the hospital has already been approved by the department and will now go into seeking funding from the Department of Treasury to fund the structure of Kudjip Nazarene Hospital.

In 2013, the National Executive Council in a decision approved the migration of health workers under the Christian Health Services to the government payroll.

This resulted in the roll out of the NEC decision which was implemented in phases. The roll out was first implemented in 2015 which saw the migration of CHS workers from its training facilities migrated onto the government payroll.

The CHS Secretariat staff were the next to be migrated on to the Ascender Pay roll in 2017 and the Health Services in 2022 following a directive by the National Department of Health to now have the Kudjip Nazarene Health Workers to be put on the government payroll.