Merger a Key Reform Agenda

The merger between Public Services Commission and the Department of Personnel Management is a key reform agenda for the PNG Public Service said Australian Public Service Commissioner Dr. Brouwer.
He said the key ingredients of gaining and maintaining trust during the process of implementing a reform agenda are:
Capability building, Integrity, Maintenance of work standards and effective workforce planning.
He made these remarks during his meeting with DPM officer on their visit to the Australian Public Service Commission in Canberra, Australia, last year.
He stressed that the two main indicators that reform exercises can be measured against, which are how well an institution does its job, and the level of honesty and fairness in the public service, highlighting the importance of considering an organization’s shared culture and common purpose.
“We are all stewards of the public service and the servants of the people and so the people’s interest must always come first,” said Commissioner Dr. Brouwer.
Furthermore, he stated that merging of a key central government department and a constitutional office is a massive reform initiative that will require a number of important legislative and administrative reforms to implement this reform agenda.
Deputy Secretary Executive Resourcing Services Mr. Vele Ravugamini said that the merger between DPM and the public Services Commission is in its implementation stage, however, the PNG Public Serve Commission has not come forward with their position on the merger.
“The Chief Secretary to the Government Mr. Ivan Pomaleu has already communicated with PSC on this NEC decision to merge with DPM, however, we are not sure of PSC’s position as yet, otherwise, it is a government directive that we have to position our department as to how we can respond to our mandated responsibilities,” said Mr. Ravugamni.
Furthermore, Mr. Ravugamani expressed his gratitude to the Australian Public Service Commission who he said will support DPM during the transitioning stage and will continue to show their support in any future endeavors that DPM embarks on, hence, the visit to APSC will maintain and strengthen the relationship between the two organizations.
Team DPM was comprised of Deputy Secretary ERS Mr. Ravugamini who attended on behalf of Secretary, Ms. Taies Sansan.
He was accompanied by Executive Manager Capacity Building and Development Ms. Agnes Tamate and Manager Salaries, Compliance and Monitoring Committee Mr. Jacob Tesse on the five-day visit.