Minister Announce PILAG Name Change

Public Service Minister, Hon. Joe Sungi told the graduands at the 5th Graduation for Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance that they were the last batch of Public Servants to graduate under the Institution’s name as PILAG.
“As of this year onwards, Parliament and NEC has passed and directed for the change of name to Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance, or SILAG”, said Minister Sungi.
Minister Sungi said the “S” stands for the father of the Nation, Somare.
“Late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare united PNG with his humility, integrity, and all the qualities that he carried with him”, he said.
“This is the oldest government institution in the country which started in 1963 and one of the first student of this institution was late Grand Chief himself”, said the Minister.
He said the institution concentrates on improving and up-skilling civil servants, and that was where the Late Grand Chief led PNG to and the story of independence had started.
“I am thankful to the government because this institution is meant to be under the Public Service rather than going under the Department of Higher Education because this is a different training altogether and now it is demonstrated by the heads of the department to add a Diploma on Leadership and Management”, said the Minister.
He added, “You can be a very good Doctor, but if you do not know how to lead and manage, you won’t be able to run the health facility or institution and that is the reason why you are here”.
Minister Sungi told the graduands that Leadership and Management are two different schools, and in the public service, they ensure committed and competent public servants are working.
Meanwhile, the Parliament Bill of the change in name was presented by Minister Sungi in Parliament on 17th of March, 2023 and was passed the same day.