PSMA Act 1995 Under Review

The Department of Personnel Management in collaboration with the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance (SILAG) have undertaken a review of the Public Service Management Act 1995 to include a new section of the Section 44 that relates to training and appointment of public servants in Papua New Guinea.
According to a joint media statement by DPM and SILAG released this month, the legislative amendment will give effect to an NEC submission N0. 61/2021 that was approved in April 2021 to have a Systematic, Stable and Sustainable Public Sector Training.
This is line with DPM’s Public Service Human Resource Development Strategic Plan (HRDSP 2020- 2050), that provides the strategic policy direction for the public service to systemize and structure a suitable human capital and institutional development in the National Public Service.
This means is that from entry level to executive level any aspiring public servant who want to progress their career in the public sector must undergo targeted mandatory milestone training program.
Furthermore, clause 6 of the NEC decision approved that any public servant or other person applying to become a CEO, Departmental Head, a Provincial Administrator or a District Administrator must first attain a competency-based leadership training qualification in the Government at SILAG.
And in realization of these requirements, the enabling law, Public Service Management Act 1995 requires amendment to particular provisions on training, recruitment, and the selection of Public Servants.
Work has commenced towards amending the consultative workshops are being conducted regionally for stakeholders to ensure they contribute during the consultations since the amendment bill will have an effect on the entire public service.
A workshop, facilitated by SILAG in collaboration with DPM was held from the 14th to the 20th in February this year, in Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province and Port Moresby respectively to allow Heads of Government Agencies and Human Resource Managers to contribute to the process of legislative amendment.